The beautiful black man on my kickball team is texting me.
I get super excited anytime a text comes in... and usually, when he says something that makes him sound even remotely interested in me, I screen shot it and send it to Sofia and Olivia.
So yesterday, I get this text from him:
Yes, I realize that this isn't much to get excited over, but I'm a girl. So, naturally, I screen shot the convo to send it to Olivia.
Except, as you see.. I didn't send it to Olivia at all. I sent it right back to him. Luckily, I can think on my toes, and sent him a couple pictures from the Kings game a well... And then my phone died while they were sending.
And he totally called me out on it!
So, I played it off as well as I could.
It didn't work.